Building with Rock and Playdough!
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We've been going to the beach once a week lately, and I always come home with lovely rocks. To justify my slowly growing pile of rocks, I thought this would be a great way for us to use them in a fun and creative way.
Materials Used:
- Rocks (Cleaned and dried)
- Play Dough Toys
(You can buy them, but we normally just use items from around the house.)
- Play Dough
Let's Build with Rocks and Play Dough!
We usually work indoors, so we covered our work area with a shower liner
After a couple of minutes the play dough was made, and Chuck started off by exploring the play dough and using the tools. (For some reason he really liked playing with our dough scraper
Then, I showed Chuck how playdough acted like "glue" and helped to stick the rocks together. He kind of went with the idea and began squishing rocks on top of each other.
Then we began building a wall together. While we built, I also told him the story of the 3 Little Pigs
As much as Chuck enjoyed putting the houses together, he REALLY enjoyed taking them apart and cutting them up.
The activity ended up lasting quite awhile. Several houses, towers, and walls were built and demolished that day.
And in case your stones get super gunky with play dough like ours did, just soak them in water for a couple of hours and the dough will just melt away.
I really enjoyed doing this activity with Chuck because it was so easy to set up and he really enjoyed it. It was also a great way to incorporate some natural and engineering elements into our play.
If you liked this activity, you might like these other ways to incorporate natural elements into your play, building, and making.
- Meri Cherry Blog's Building Clay Structures with Kids
- Painted Twig Wall Hanging
- DIY Dandelion Crown
- Build a Bird's Nest
- Flower Weaving
And you can always find other great ideas on my Pinterest, Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter accounts!
Happy building!