Kid STEM Activity: Seed Study!
The activity took place over the span of a week. Each day we cut open a fruit (wait- are these guys all fruits because they have seeds? EEek. Time to do my own investigation...) and then examined the seeds inside.
We talked about the size of the seeds, color of the seeds, and quantity of seeds.
(I also tried to encourage Chuck to try eating a bit of each fruit too... but that didn't always work so well... oh well!)
Once we finished our discussion, I washed and dried the seeds. Once they were dry, we made some lovely fruit (and veg?) collages.
I cut out the different shapes for Chuck, and he used a glue stick to stick them onto each card. Then, he glued on the seeds with white glue.
Whoa. Who knew that tomato seeds were so tiny?
Once we had several cards completed, we compared the sizes and colors of the different seeds.
And now the cards sit in our nature area. From time to time, Chuck will grab his magnifying glass to look at the seeds.
Hope you have fun trying this activity out too!
Psst- Looking for other easy kid STEM activities?
Then check out the links below!