Let's make Number Chart Art!
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To do this activity, you'll need Circle Stickers
(I designed this chart up to 25 because I did the activity out with my preschooler. He loved it! You can certainly make the numbers go higher too. Also, the squares are made to fit 3/4" circle stickers. Each square is 0.85".)
Here's how you make Number Chart Art with kids of ALL ages and abilities!
Find the Number
This is how my preschooler did the activity. I handed him an assortment of stickers. Then, I named random numbers and he placed stickers on them. After I named all the numbers, a lovely, colorful piece of art emerged.
Recreate a picture
To do this activity, you'll have to design a picture (with colors) beforehand. Then, help the child to recreate the picture by telling him/her to place certain colors on certain numbers. When he/she is done, an image should appear! (You can see more examples of this Number Chart Art Activity here.)
Greater or less than + Name the Rule
Have a child create their own designs using the > and < concept. For example, for numbers > than x, use one color. Or, for numbers < than x, use another color. When you're done, have someone else try to guess the rule that was followed!
Make a Pattern / Find Multiples + Name the Rule
This was my favorite way to create Number Chart Art. Tell your child to use stickers to create a pattern (ABABAB, ABCDABCD, etc) or place colors on multiples of numbers (like multiples of 2, or 3, or 4). Once they've completed their art, have another child (or yourself) guess what rule they used to create their artwork!
Do any combination of the above! (Or, I'm sure you can think of making math art another way!)
Here are some of the many ways that we created our very own Number Chart Art!
Can you guess the rules I used to create this artwork?
- Yellow for all the numbers < 8, Orange for numbers 8-13, and Pink for numbers > 13
- Yellow for numbers < 10, Orange for numbers > 9, Small blue for odd numbers, Small green for multiples of 3, Small white for multiples of 4
- Pink for any numbers that end in 1, 2, or 3; Orange for numbers ending in 8, 9, 10; Small Yellow for any numbers ending in 4, 5, 6, 7
- Alternating red and blue pattern, Small Yellow on multiples of 3
Can you guess the rules I used to create this artwork?
- Pink for multiples of 5, Green for everything else
- Repeat red, orange, yellow, green, blue, pink pattern (which also means that each color is always +6 from the next!)
- Christmas tree picture (Place greens, blues, yellows, and star on certain numbers)
- Pretty Design (Place reds, yellows, and blues on certain numbers to create a certain design)
We really enjoyed trying this activity out as a family! (It's amazing how relaxing finding multiples of numbers can be!) Sometimes math gets a bad rap for being boring and methodical. But I think this activity really shows the relationship between numbers in a beautiful and colorful way!
If you liked this activity, check out these other fun STEAM activities!
- Spinning Top Marker Art
- DIY Cardboard iPod Projector
- Make Pi- inspired Art
- Color Mixing Fan
- CD Rainbows
- Magically appearing art prints!
- DIY Construction Paper Sunprints
- Glow in the Dark Bike Wheels
- DIY Glowing Tattoos (for kids!)
- Flashlight Painting

School's out! But that doesn't mean that learning, curiosity, and creativity should stop! Today's post is part of a 5 weeks of STEAM Summer Camp Series. Woot woot! While I love doing art and crafts, I also believe in the power of being curious and using creativity to explore science, technology, engineering, and mathematics too! Each Friday for the next 5 weeks, several STEAM-loving kid bloggers and I will share easy and fun ways to explore your 5 senses with kids! This week's theme was sight and here are some other fabulous ideas for exploring this sense!
- Simple Homemade Kid Kaleidoscopes | Little Bins for Little Hands
- Make a Homemade Magnifying Glass | One Time Through
- Magnetic Field Sensory Bottle | Left Brain Craft Brain
- Print and Color Tessellation Puzzles | Frugal Fun For Boys
- Old Fashioned Fun: Thaumatrope | What Do We Do All Day
Let's keep in Contact!
Happy making, friends!