
Tuesday, May 1, 2012

DIY- Baking Soda Deoderizer

I have a love-hate relationship with Baby Chuck's cloth diapers.  I love using them because they help us to save money and they allow us to put less waste into landfills.  Plus, they're so colorful! 

Ah, ain't nothing prettier than a bunch of newly washed cloth diapers.

And yet, I also find myself hating them.  When they're soiled, they're just so darn stinky.  Pee eww.  Ever since Baby Chuck started eating solid foods, his waste has taken on a different odor.  Hubby describes the smell like "cinammony dead cat," whereas I think it's more of a "sweet week-old fish."  

Our last load of soiled diapers was so pungent that I almost passed out on my way down to the laundry room.  Hubby suggested that I wear a double vent gas mask next time, but I figured I'd just open a box of baking soda and leave it next to our diaper pail.  But then, after finding this deodorizer and this DIY air freshener, I felt inspired to make something similar.  I poured baking soda into an old jam jar, cut out two heart shaped vents from a piece of fabric, and then sealed the jar up. 

Smells, be gone!

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