As I got ready, a whole slew of questions popped into my head. Some questions were a bit easier to answer...
What do normal women wear when they go out?
Is this shirt too dirty to wear out?
Do I have time to wash my hair?
How should I do my hair?
Will I look like I'm trying too hard if I paint my nails?
And others questions pointed at deeper worries...
What if I'm too boring?
What if I have nothing to say?
What if I forgot how to just be... me?
Hubby was really sweet and gave me a good pre-date pep talk. He also helped me to pick out an outfit.
And look, I even wore an accessory!
We ended up going to a nearby restaurant and having a really fun time.
Sometimes it's nice just being me... instead of mommy-me.
Oh yeah, in case you're wondering- here's a picture of my hot mommy date. :) I look forward to going out with her again soon.