Monday, October 28, 2013

Make your own "Paint with water" pages

While perusing the craft store for costume materials the other day, I saw some "paint with water" books.  As a kid I loved those things.  You pay a buck or two and then you got sheets and sheets of coloring pages with "paint pans" printed on the bottom of the page. It always blew my mind that I just needed a wet Q-tip to paint!  

So of course, that's when a light bulb went off in my mind.  Ding!  Sure, I could pay a could pay a couple of bucks, buy a book, and then relive some childhood memories.  But I figured I'd have even more fun putting on my DIY hat and making my own "paint with water" pages.

So, tada!  Here are my DIY "paint with water" pages.  Not going to lie, the store bought ones are certainly cheaper.  But, these ones are pretty groovy because they're customizable and sure to delight both the maker and the user.

Ready to make your own?  Let's get started!

  • Watercolor paper
  • Scissors
  • Sharpie marker
  • Watercolor pencils
  • Pencil sharpener
  • Watercolor tubes


1.  Cut your watercolor paper into quarters.  Use your Sharpie marker to draw four rectangles on the bottom of your sheet.  These will hold your "paint" colors.  Then, use your Sharpie marker to doodle your images onto the paper.  (Or, you could leave the page blank too.) 

2.  Pull out your watercolor pencils.  Color the rectangles in with different colors.  For the best results, press hard and choose darker colors.

And that's it!  You now have blank canvases for artwork, coloring sheets, or fun activity sheets. (Come on, who doesn't love adding makeup to doodled faces?)

Or, you could turn the pages into fun cards or postcards.  Who wouldn't love receiving a super cute card that doubles as an outlet for creativity?   

To color in your pages, simply take a Q-tip (or paint brush), dip it in water, and then dip it into your "paint pans."  Voila.  Instant watercolor paint!

Don't have watercolor pencils?  No sweat.  You could also do the same thing with watercolor tubes.  (This idea was inspired by Creative With Kids.)  For these "paint with water" pages:
  1. Cut your watercolor pages in half instead of quarters to give yourself more room to paint
  2. Place tiny drops of paint on one side of your watercolor sheet
  3. Let the paint dry for a couple of hours
  4. Doodle a design with Sharpie if desired
Once again, you've got your very own portable palette of paint!  (These pages are a bit fancier than the previous ones because they hold more paint.)

Once again, all you need now is a paintbrush (or in my case, a Q-tip) to make instant artwork.

Happy crafting!