How to Make a Dandelion Flower Crown
Full confession here- I'm an impatient crafter... so this DIY dandelion crown was right up my alley. It only took a couple of minutes to make and then voila! My son now has a crown fit for a little story tale prince. Let's get crafting!
Materials Needed to Make a Dandelion Crown
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- Dandelions
- Scissors
(Optional, but I found them to be helpful)
- Paper Towels (Again, optional, but I found them to be helpful)
How to Make a Dandelion Crown
1. Pick flowers. (I clipped them with my scissors.)
2. Optional: Wash and dry stems.
Talk to your kids about the different parts of the flower. My son is rather young, so I just pointed out the stem, petals, and sticky sap.
3. Trim stems till they're about 3" long.
4. Use your nail and create a small hole in the middle of a dandelion stem.
5. Slip a second dandelion stem inside of your previously created hole.
6. Now create a small hole in your second dandelion stem. Slip a third dandelion into this hole. Keep creating holes and sticking dandelions inside of them until you have a chain of flowers long enough to wrap around your head.
7. Once you're satisfied with the length, tie both ends of your flower crown together.
8. Trim any stems that jut out too much. (But be careful not to trim them too short, because you don't want your holes to break.)
And that's it! Now you've got yourself a DIY dandelion crown.
Not interested in making a dandelion crown? Well, you could always make the chain a bit longer and create yourself a dandelion necklace.
Psst- Interested in other Nature inspired crafts?
Try these out!Happy crafting, friends! Pin It