Eggshells are a great craft material because they're cheap AND you can easily change their colors. So today let's take a stroll down memory lane and review these 4 pretty awesome eggshell crafts.
4 Crafts to Make with Eggshells
1. Eggshell Mosaic Pots
These pots are so cute and simple to make. They're perfect for spring and also would make great gifts for relatives!2. Eggshell Dolls
These cute dolls wobble, but won't fall down! Can you guess why?3. Eggshell Mosaic Pendant
Yup. You read that right. Don't toss those eggshells out! Turn them into a lovely piece of up-cycled jewelry! This would be a fun craft to try out with the older kids!
4. Eggshell Chalk
Bet you never thought you could draw with eggshells? Well, you can! And the process is so fun, your kids can help you make this chalk too!
Ok. And that's my list of egg-cellent eggshell crafts. (Wah, wah, waaah.)
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Happy creating, friends!