Making Matisse Murals with Kids
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Yup. We made ourselves Matisse mural. The idea was inspired by this gorgeous kate zaremba wallpaper. (Love, love, loooove!) Here's how we did it!
First, Chuck and I grabbed a bunch of paint chips and got cutting.
(Two things I've learned recently... 1) Preschoolers LOVE scissors. So Chuck's totally on board anytime cutting is involved. 2) Paint chips are like construction paper... on steroids. They're seriously one of my favorite crafting materials. They come in fabulous, modern colors and they're free! Woot woot! That's why I used them to make a Christmas tree advent calendar and paint chip wall art.)
Then, I taped a large piece of white craft paper
The circle stickers by far were his favorite to stick onto the wall.
And we just kept going and going and going!
I thought it would be fun to glue on super large googly eyes. While we got gluing, Chuck realized that he could also glue on glue sticks. While they didn't stay stuck for long, he enjoyed the diversion.
And then we used washable markers
(Side note: Thank goodness washable markers really are washable. I left him for just a moment and when I got back there was marker all over the wall too.)
I loved how the results turned out, but the best part about this project for me was hearing Chuck say "Look mommy, I'm an artist."
Yes you are, Chuck. Yes you are.
If you're looking for more colorful artwork to make with the kids, check out my arts and craft page. I've also listed out several of our favorite activities below!
- fun with oil pastels
- melted crayon friendship rocks
- watercolor and crayon resist notebooks
- 2 ingredient homemade body paint
- spinning top marker art
- candy mosaic art