
Monday, August 7, 2017

Happy Woven Paper Turtles

Does anyone else enjoy weaving with kids?  One of my most popular posts to date has been these adorable popsicle stick woven turtles.  And I totally get why... they're super cute, easy to make, and teach kids a neat skill- yarn weaving!

Well, once again we've been bitten by the weaving bug.  This time we took a different approach and made some woven paper turtles!  Like their yarn counterparts, these are also super cute and kid-approved.  (My 5-year-old loved making one alongside me!)

super cute and colorful woven paper turtle kid art and craft project!

Note:  This post contains affiliate links.  This means I make a small bit of change when you purchase items through the links.  Thank you for your support and the grocery money.  For my full disclosure policy, click here.

Materials Needed:

super cute and colorful woven paper turtle kid art and craft project!

Let's Weave some Paper Turtles!

1.  Let's cut out a shell.  Take a piece of colorful paper and fold it in half.  Cut out half of a shell.

super cute and colorful woven paper turtle kid art and craft project!

2.  Cut slits from the folded edge upwards.  Make sure you don't cut all the way to the edge.
super cute and colorful woven paper turtle kid art and craft project!

3.  Open up your shell and slide your strips of paper through.  (You could always cut your own strips of paper, but we had a ton of these  Pre-Cut Strips of Colorful Paper from star making, so we just used those.  The colors were gorgeous and it was great not having to cut stips out ourselves.)

super cute and colorful woven paper turtle kid art and craft project!

super cute and colorful woven paper turtle kid art and craft project!

4.  Once you're done, tape (or glue down the strips.)  Then, trim them off!

super cute and colorful woven paper turtle kid art and craft project!

5.  Cut out four legs and one head shape.
super cute and colorful woven paper turtle kid art and craft project!

6.  Glue (or tape) the legs and head onto the shell.  
super cute and colorful woven paper turtle kid art and craft project!

7.  Add details and you're done!
super cute and colorful woven paper turtle kid art and craft project!

Hope you try making some turtles of your own!

Happy making, friends!

super cute and colorful woven paper turtle kid art and craft project!

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