Monday, November 26, 2012


Are you more of a sweet or savory person?

I've always been a savory type of gal.  I like eating sweets occasionally, but I always have room in my tummy for salty snacks.

(By the way, sorry hubby for devouring that bag of chips the other day.)

Anyway, back to this post.  This Thanksgiving (which shall hereafter be called "Cakesgiving"), everything changed.  Our aunt (yah, the same one that made Chuck's Hungry Caterpillar cake) fully embraced our new dietary restrictions and made a gluten-free triple layer carrot-cheesecake-carrot cake.


One bite and I felt myself leaving my body and floating away to sugar heaven.

Carrot cake?  Ooh yeah, it was delicious and moist.
Cheesecake center?  Um, yes please.  It's was creamy with just a bit of tang.
And that cream cheese frosting?  To.  Die.  For.

(Just thinking about that cake now makes my toes curl.)

I never got a chance to get the recipe.  Rats.  But fortunately, I did take tons of photos of her making it.  (This was me "helping" out with Thanksgiving preparations.)  So, dear reader, I present to you some delicious cake photos.

(Warning- If you're on a diet or thinking about going on a diet, please avert your eyes.  Read another post.  Take a walk.  Eat a rice cake.  Just turn away and don't look at the photos.)
Ooh, mix it!

Yeah, crack those eggs...

Ooh, sugar...

Softened cream cheese... yuuuuuuuum....

Take a whiff.  Can you smell it?  Yup, that's warm carrot cake fresh from the oven...

I'm totally drooling.  Oh baby, whisk that icing!

Oh. My.  Goodness.   My pulse just quickened...

Ack.  My toes are curling. 

If only they I had taste-o-vision.  Then I could reach in and take one more delicious bite. 

It was really the best cake I've ever had.
Ever ever.


I don't know about you, but it's time for me to cool myself off with a nice cold glass of milk.

Happy (yummy) Monday!

Friday, November 23, 2012

Crapty Cat Wreath

Our aunt loves cats.  
And I like making wreaths out of crap.
So it was a natural fit for me to whip up this cat wreath for her.  

- cereal boxes  (<--crap)
- scissors
- craft paint
- paint brush
- glue/tape/some sort of adhesive
- thin Sharpie marker
- pencil

This was super easy to make, so I'll just show some photos from my crapty night.

Happy crapting (and black Friday)!

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving

A couple of days ago hubby and I finally opened up our Thankfulness Jar.  The slips of paper point out that we were thankful for three things in life:

(1)  Friends and family
(2)  Sleep
(3)  Heat and food


I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving filled with friends, family, good food, and long turkey-induced naps. I'll be stuffing my face and snapping lots of photos to upload next week.  To keep the Thanksgiving spirit rolling, here are some photos from our Toddler Time Thanksgiving party.  Once again the teachers were super sweet and threw a great bash for the kids.

 Happy Thanksgiving!