Monday, May 20, 2013


Two weekends ago we attended a niece's birthday party.  I was too busy enjoying the party to get any photos, but luckily hubby snapped a couple of shots of Chuck and his super cute baby cousin.  

These two kids are just too cute.

I love seeing Chuck kiss other babies.

Chuck saying "cheese"

Ack.  Such tiny hands.  She is just too cute.  I could just eat her up.  

Friday, May 17, 2013

Paint Chip Wall Art

After our relatives left, I really noticed how empty our place seemed.  Although we moved here almost a year ago, I haven't put much effort into making our place more personal.  Chuck's room is the only one that's sort of decorated.

So, I'm going to do my best to add some decorations to the walls.  I'm not too picky, but I do have three requirements for wall art:

1.  It must be bright and happy.
Chuck and I spend quite a bit of time at home.  We need to be surrounded by lovely, happy things.  

2.  It must be removable.
We live in an apartment.  We're not going to live here forever.  I really really don't want to re-paint rooms or fill holes when we leave.

3.  It must be relatively inexpensive.
I'm uber cheap.  One day we'd like to own our own house, so we're slowly saving up.  (Plus, we had a rather traumatic experience with movers breaking stuff, so I worry about expensive art being destroyed.)

Making wall art with paint chips fits all three requirements.  Inspired by A Beautiful Mess's modern paint chip wall art and How About Orange's triangle paint chip art, I thought I'd give paint chips a try.  Here's my result:

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Three Mini projects

Hi everyone!  It's been a couple of days since my last post and I thought I'd just say a quick "hi" to let you know that we haven't dropped off the planet.  We've just been enjoying the good weather and spending lots of time playing outside (boo shoe tans) and stuffing our faces  eating Girl Scout cookies (yurmmy).

Here are three small projects that we recently worked on,.  They didn't seem big enough to get their own posts, so I figured I'd just group them together in one post:

1.  Last week I freezer paper stenciled a flying pig tote bag for a niece 

2.  Inspired by Dave Laferriere's sandwich bag art, I hid some inspirational (and humorous) notes in hubby's lunch box:

3.    What was that third project again?  Oh yeah, Hubby gave Chuck a mohawk.  Shnazzy.