Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Perler Bead Zip Tie Statement Necklace

Ok, ok.  I'm still on the Perler bead kick.

I can't help it!  The jar is still practically full of beads.... and it mocks me whenever I walk by.  I tried hiding them in a craft drawer, but it didn't help.  I hear tiny colorful voices crying  "Leslie, Leslie.  Use us.  Use us!"

So like any crafter, I caved in to their siren calls.

Inspired by Mark Montano, I used zip ties to make these quick and easy Perler bead statement necklaces.  Tada!

I think the right one looks really cute and fresh.  I was on the fence about the left one... but it was a hit with Chuck.  He decided to wear it to church on Sunday (along with a backwards basketball cap, purple exercise shorts, and sneakers.....oi!) 

So if you too find yourself taunted by Perler beads, you could try making these necklaces too.  Let's begin!

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Make Party Blowers

When we go out to eat, one of Chuck's favorite things to get is bubble tea. 

It's so cute watching him order.  Too short to reach the counter, Hubby has to lift Chuck up so that he's eye level with the cashier. 

Of course, it's the same lady behind the counter every week.  Even though she already knows what he's going to say, she always asks Chuck what he wants.  And without fail, he gives the same response:  bubble tea with a blue straw.  (Blue is his favorite color.)

The lady then giggles when she hears his little voice.  When she's done, she hands over the drink and a couple extra straws.  (He loves straws.)  Typically, Chuck just blows and chews on the extras... but this time he generously gave them to me so that I could craft with them.  

I saw how much he loved blowing on party blowers at another child's birthday party.  So, of course I had to try making them for him at home.  

  • Magazine paper (Cut into 5x9" rectangles)
  • Bubble tea straws cut in half
  • Scissors
  • Tape

1.  Fold your paper in thirds lengthwise.   Tape your paper where the two sides meet. 

2.  Fold over one end of the paper and tape that down too.  (Make sure your tape all the openings closed.  You want your party blower to be air tight.) 

3.  Starting from the sealed end, tightly wrap your magazine paper around a pen.   (Do this a couple of times with the pen and then without the pen to make sure that the curl stays.  I've also seen some other bloggers, like Design Mom, wrap their rolls with rubber bands to help the curl to stay better.)

4.  Now stick your straw in the open end of the paper.  Fold your paper over the straw and tape it down.  (Again, make sure that everything is air tight.) 

And that's it!  Hand your party blowers over to your kid and watch them have fun!

We just used magazine paper, so our blowers only lasted for about a couple of minutes before they stopped recoiling or ripped.  But not to worry!  I washed, dried, and cut up the straws to make some "beads."  Chuck then enjoyed stringing them onto some pipe cleaners. 

Happy crafting!

Monday, August 19, 2013

What's up Chuck?

Hi everyone!  Happy Monday!

This weekend we ventured out to Hoboken to enjoy the lovely, sunny weather.  It felt so nice to get out, stretch our toes, and take in the last couple weeks of summer.  

We're pet-sitting.  Isn't Henry cute?

Sun-worshippers enjoying the day in Hoboken

Heart-attack on a plate....but wow... what a delicious way to go...
Have some bacon, mom!
Bicycle riding with daddy
Even Pink Pig got a chance to enjoy the day.  Can you spot her?

Hope you had a good weekend too!