Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Spiked and Braided T-shirt Bracelet

I can't believe that September is just a week away.  Eeek!  Is it just me, or does every store sign seem to scream "Back to School?"

Growing up, I loved this time of the year for two reasons.  1)  I loved school. (Yeah, nerds!) and  2)  I loved back to school shopping.  New blank notebooks?  Swoon.   New clothes and shoes?  Double swoon. (Was anyone else like this as a kid?)

But, buying a ton of new items gets costly quite quickly. 

Fueled by my thrifty nature, I made these spiked and braided t-shirt bracelets.  They came out pretty cute. I like to imagine some creative, quirky gal wearing them to the first day of school. 

The colors are quite girly, but the spikes show that you've got some spunk!

  • Multicolored T-shirt
  • Fabric scissors
  • Spikes with screwbacks
  • Pen (Optional)
  • Needle and thread
  • Tacky Glue

Monday, August 26, 2013

What's up, Chuck?

This weekend we went into the city and visited Chelsea Market.  There were so many interesting things to see and eat.  But,  oy vey! I forgot just how crowded New York can get.  It was a wee bit overwhelming to be constantly surrounded by a sea of people.

Here are a couple of photos from our adventure that day... 

Exposed brick and large industrial fans give the place such character
Butcher's shop
Chuck and I were dying to run our hands through the mountains of spices...
Lunch time!
Super adorable cookies... but unfortunately, not gluten free. :(

Yurmmmmy fresh seafood...
We were all super tuckered out by the time we got home
Happy Monday! 

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Fancy shmancy massage

For all those hard-working, long suffering, bone weary people out there.... I recognize you... and I salute you.  You are doing a wonderful job.   

And with this week's epic potty training battle, I join you.

To celebrate the end of the hard week, I decided to treat myself to a massage.  What fancy spa did I go to?  What masseuse did I hire?  Ehhh... well... see for yourself.

"Just relax mom.  I'm working out a knot right here."

"Ok lady, time's up.  Now you massage me."

Hope you have a great weekend!  I'll see you next week.