Tuesday, December 17, 2013

DIY Earmuffs? (A craft flop)

A couple of weeks ago I couldn't sleep.

Did I drink too much coffee?  Nope.  Was I worried about Christmas shopping? Nope.

Don't laugh, ok?  *Big breath* I couldn't sleep because I kept thinking about how I could crapt myself a pair of earmuffs using stuff in our apartment. 

Weird right?  I don't even wear earmuffs... but for some reason I kept wondering if I could make them.  So the next day I played around with some materials ... and I ended up with a pair of these:

I have kind of mixed feelings about them.  On the plus side, they look like earmuffs and they also block out some of the cold.  However, they feel a little too light and stiff around my ears. 

So, while I'm proud that I made a pair of semi-working earmuffs, I think this is probably a craft flop.  Now if for some reason you want to see how I crapted these earmuffs (or you wanna see Chuck wearing the earmuffs), keep on reading!

Monday, December 16, 2013

DIY Reindeer Antler Headbands

On Wednesday we're having a small holiday get-together with our toddler library group.  I wanted to put Chuck in a cute holiday outfit, but I didn't get a chance to pick up anything yet.  But not to worry!  I had all the items needed to make these two cute reindeer antlers.  I love how they came out.  They're super festive, Chuck will actually wear them, (yes!) and added bonus- they were both made in one night.... my kind of craft!

DIY Reindeer Antler Headbands

DIY Reindeer Antler Headbands

Wanna see how I made them?  (Or, do you wanna see cute photos of Chuck modelling them?)  If so, read on!

Sunday, December 15, 2013

What's up Chuck? Weekend Recap

This weekend we had plans to go into the city to see the train show at Grand Central Terminal. Unfortunately, it snowed all day Saturday (eep!) and I was battling a cold, so we ended up hanging out at home.  At first I was pretty bummed out, but thankfully everything turned out alright in the end.

Chuck and I played with his cars.... a lot....
We re-enacted scenes from the movie "Mater's Tall Tales..."
Keep on reading below!