Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Stained Glass Craft with Aluminum foil and Cellophane

Are you looking for another take on kids' stained glass window crafts?  Instead of using contact paper, why not use aluminum foil!  Glue pieces of cellophane on top of aluminum foil to create a lovely stained glass effect.  The colorful cellophane really stands out against the shiny aluminum foil background. 

Oooh!  And it's spring themed! Spring.... glorious spring....
Stained glass craft with aluminum foil and cellophane

Not sure if you can tell, but the black outlined tulip stands up against the aluminum foil.  Yup, it's my faux leading.  Nice, right?  Keep reading to see how we made these aluminum foil and cellophane stained glass panels.

Monday, March 10, 2014

DIY Cardboard iPod Projector

I've been on a crapty DIY technology kick lately.  A couple of weeks ago, I made this set of  DIY Cardboard roll iPod Speakers.  After making those speakers, I wondered if I could take the idea one step further.  Could I somehow make an iPod projector out of everyday materials?

After searching online, I saw that others had some success with a creating a DIY iPod projector out of a cardboard box and magnifying glass.   So, of course, I had to try it for myself. 

Tada!  Here's today's craft- a DIY Cardboard and Magnifying Glass iPod Projector  

DIY Cardboard iPod Projector

Wanna see how this projector works?  Keep reading for more!

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Pi Day Activity- Make Pi Day Bracelets!

This Friday (3/14) is Pi Day!  Pi is a mathematical constant referring to the ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter.  It's an irrational number, which means that it goes on forever and never shows a repeating pattern.  Every year it's celebrated on 3/14 because the first three digits of Pi are 3,1, and 4.  Now if you're looking for an easy way to celebrate Pi day, we've got a great collection of Pi Day Inspired Activities.  Today I'm sharing these nifty Pi Day Bracelets!  What makes this a great Pi Day Activity?  Well, the beads are strung according to Pi's digits. (Cool, right?)   It's a great way to combine math, art, and crafting!

Pi Day Craft Activity Make Pi inspired bracelets
Interested in making your own set of Pi Day Inspired bracelets?  Keep reading!