When Chuck turned 3 a couple of weeks ago we got him his first 2 wheeler bike. I wasn't sure if he would know what to do with it, but he took to it like a fish to water. He just loves riding it! However, there was just one problem. He couldn't figure out a way to ride the bike AND hold his favorite stuffed pig at the same time. So I told him I would make him a
small bike basket. After showing him a couple of designs, he selected a basket that resembled a pig. And that's the story behind this
DIY piggy bike basket.
DIY Piggy Bike Basket
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Now I know there are tons of really
affordable kid bike baskets out there. But we have a TON of cardboard lying around from our move AND I enjoy making things. So it was a win-win situation. Plus, where else could we get a pig basket?
Ok, enough chatting. Let's get making!