I'm always looking for really easy ways to help Chuck learn
science and math concepts. We've been fighting colds these past two weeks, so activities that are easy to throw together and take little time to prep have been on the top of my list. That's probably why I really appreciate good ebooks like
STEAM: Preschool Activities for STEM Enrichment (affiliate link). It's co-authored by one of my blogging buddies, Jamie from
Handmade Kids Art and contains over 30+ simple and fun ways you can teach young children about science, technology, engineering, art, and mathematics!
I recently received a free copy to review and ear-marked several ideas that I'd like to try out with Chuck. Inspired by one activity in the book, here's a fun
Preschool Science activity that we did to look at how
we stay dry during the rain.
Easy Preschool Science: How can we stay dry during the rain?
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