Saturday, June 10, 2017

Clothespin People and Doodles

I needed a few clothespins for some crafts... but ended up acquiring a whole bunch more than necessary.  They were just lying around, so I fiddled around  and came up with a really fun, open-ended art project:  Clothespin Doodles!

clothespin kissing people and other doodles- fun open-ended art prompt for kids

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Sunday, June 4, 2017

Long time, no see!

Hello there blogging friends!

I know, I know, it's been awhile.  I just wanted to apologize for my 2 month long absence from this blog.   I really didn't think anyone would notice... but then I received a super sweet comment from a reader asking about my whereabouts...  and I figured I owed y'all an explanation.

They say a picture is worth a thousand words, so here's a picture for you:
(This is what my garage wall currently looks like)

Yup.  It's cardboard central over here.

No, we're not building the great wall of cardboard.  And nope, we're not moving.  But yes, this does have to do with my absence.

I haven't been posting regularly because I've been writing a craft book.  *Gasp*  I know.  It's really strange sharing this because I'm not quite done, but I figured it was time.

I've collaborated on several awesome craft and STEAM books over the years.  This past year I  dreamt about authoring my own book.  But I wasn't sure how to go about it.

Two months ago a book publishing company contacted me to write a cardboard and duct tape craft book for them.

What?  Could this be?  I LOVE cardboard and this was such a wonderful surprise.  So I jumped headfirst into the opportunity.

I'm so excited to share the final project with you!  And I think you're going to really love all the neat projects inside.  But, I also gotta be honest and say that writing a book is both exhilarating and exhausting.  There are just two more weeks before the final deadline and with watching the kids, attending end-of-the-year activities, and staying on top of other commitments...  well gosh...I'm just pooped out.

So, dear reader, I'm sorry that I haven't shared any crafts in awhile.   But, I shall return once the last page of the manuscript is done.  Thank you for joining with me and supporting me on this crafty adventure.

I hope you are all doing well and having a great end of the year!

- Leslie

Monday, March 27, 2017

Kids Map Art- Creating with kids!

If you're looking for an easy art project to do with your kids, this is it.  I love finding cheap treasures from the thrift store and using them to make art with my family.  Here's our most recent project- a painted wooden map.
kids map art- getting creative with kids with art