Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Day two in Bead Town

Here are six photos from today's adventures:

Leftover Mardi Gras decorations dangle off balconies

Nicholas Cage's future tomb

St. Louis Cathedral's quiet interior

Chargrilled oysters from Acme Oyster House

Deep fried soft-shell crab from Acme Oyster House
Shrimp Etouffee, Jumbalaya, and Shrimp Creole from Gumbo House

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

We're in N'awlins y'all

Greetings!  Hubby and I are currently enjoying Spring break in New Orleans.  Here are five photos that capture what we did today:

Large mustached soldier guarding tiny toy store

Beautiful French building decorated with lacy iron work

Battered and fried pickles with ranch and honey mustard dipping sauces

Reclined statue near the great Mississippi

Airy beignets covered with mountains of powdered sugar

Monday, March 21, 2011

Belly graph

This past week I found myself eating my meal and a portion of hubby's meal too. 

Appetite:  Increased, Belly size: Also increased

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Sandwich meat

To celebrate St. Patrick's day, hubby made corned beef, cabbage, and mashed potatoes earlier this week.  We've finally finished the pounds of cabbage and mountain of mash. Now, what to do with such tasty salty beef slices?   

Oooh.  It's sandwich time.

Friday, March 18, 2011

It's time

I think it's time that I get a haircut.  The last time I cut my hair was back in July.  Now it's grown past my shoulders and I'm beginning to look like a teenage boy.

Yup.  Insert my round face here.