Sunday, April 10, 2011

Friday, April 8, 2011

Pass the pasta

Even though hubby works hard during the day, he still manages to act as the official family chef every other week.  It's so nice sharing the cooking responsibilities with him.  Neither one of us gets "burned out" from cooking the same thing every week and we're guaranteed homemade dinners during the weekdays.

I especially enjoy hubby's cooking because he's so creative and daring. 

Here's last night's pièce de résistance:
Handmade turkey and red pepper ravioli sauteed in a light butter sage sauce
As a gal who grew up eating canned or frozen ravioli, I always thought that the sauce made the pasta dish.  Pasta was just something to cover with yummy sauce.  Last night I finally saw how freshly made pasta really can be the star of the meal.  Three cheers for pasta maker machines and hubby's culinary creations!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Quiz time

Q:  What does this sequence represent?

       Pickle, cookie, cookie, pickle, cookie, cookie

     (a) nothing
     (b) a new type of diet
     (c) my afternoon snack

(c)  Before I could stop myself, I popped this strange sequence of items into my mouth for a tasty afternoon snack.  My stomach apparently has a mind of its own.   

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Getting down with new lingo

According to my friend Alice and Urban Dictionary, "om nom nom nom" is considered a real word.  How funny.

Here's my first attempt at using this hip new term:
We made burgers last night.  Om nom nom nom!  They were so yummy.