Friday, April 22, 2011

Here's looking at you, kid

My glasses finally arrived.  Now I can see and drive again!

Thursday, April 21, 2011

You know what they say...

"April showers bring May flowers"

But since it snowed here two days ago, perhaps the Michigan saying should be
"April snow showers bring May flowers."

Hubby and I are having a tough time believing that Spring is actually coming.  I'm longing for the days when I can shed my coat and expose my pale arms to a warm and bright sun.  Here are two of hubby's "Almost spring" outfits:

Nothing says spring like a nice jean jacket

White on white on white. 

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

We're having a boy!

Hello!  I'm  made of frogs and snails and puppy-dogs' tails.

image taken from here

Weird weekend

We had some weird sightings this weekend.  Here are some photos documenting these strange incidences:
Mysterious bowl of spelling soup

This cat-like creature emerged from the griddle

Tomato?  Or brain?

Finally!  A photo to prove to hubby that Big-bird does exist!

Monday, April 18, 2011

Big belly

We've hit the 20 week mark!
It's almost time to find out baby's gender...