Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Two for one

Even though I only go into work two to three times a week, I still like feeling a little glamorous at home.  So as I'm sitting at my dining room table doing work in my pjs, I like to wear this ring to feel a bit hipper and cooler.

Two cool fingers

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

belly update

A stranger asked me when I was expecting. 
I've now passed the "pudgy around the middle" stage.

This little guy is growing bigger too!

Monday, April 25, 2011

New life

The message of Easter is all about new life.  This message seems particularly relevant for hubby and me right now.  We're in the midst of settling into a new life in Michigan and soon we're going to start a new life as mommy and daddy to the new life growing inside my belly.

Last night we invited two friends over to Easter dinner.    
New traditions with some new friends

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Four for Four

Hubby and I are addicted to the show Extreme Couponing on TLC.  This show documents coupon savvy shoppers purchasing carts and carts of grocery store products for very little money.  We watch with mouths agape as hauls initially costing hundreds (and sometimes even thousands) of dollars drop to 10% of their initial bill.

How do these super shoppers do it?   They clip lots and lots of coupons, put in 30-40 hours of hard work each week clipping and planning, and only purchase sale items with coupons on "double coupon" days.  In honor of this show, hubby and I now keep our eyes open for coupons and sales.  Our first "extreme" purchase?
Strawberries-  4 lbs for $4.00!
Ooh.  So extreme.  (Extremely delicious!)
By the way- Happy Easter!

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Bedtime reading

I love children's storybooks.  I love their simple plots and colorful illustrations.  Now that we're going to have a baby soon, I'm keeping my eyes peeled for some new ones to add to my collection.  Hubby recently spied this book on Amazon.

It contains beautiful illustrations and lyrical verses like

The cats nestle close to their kittens now.
The lambs have laid down with the sheep.
You're cozy and warm in your bed, my dear
Please go the f*ck to sleep.

Hmm, to buy or not to buy?  It is on sale...