Monday, May 9, 2011

What time is it?

It's Tulip time in Holland and the downtown area is buzzing with tourists, flowers, and natives in Dutch garb. Here are some photos from the event:

Everyone came out to see the tulips.

Who knew they came in so many colors?

How did this little guy sneak in here?

There were tons of venders selling crafts.  Got a naked garden goose?  You can buy her a new outfit here.

Dozens of people walked around in their klompen.

Only during Tulip Time

An assortment of klompen- aren't they beautiful?

Sunday, May 8, 2011

I succumbed.

Last week was finals week and I was super busy responding to students' emails, giving finals, and grading.  To give myself a break from the work, I visited our nearby thrift store.  Look at what I found!

Hello!  We're too cute to resist.

I promised myself that I wouldn't buy any baby clothes until much later, but I really couldn't resist when I saw these two play outfits. 

Happy Mother's Day!

Thursday, May 5, 2011

i dream of fondue

Here are photos from yesterday's birthday feast:

First, I ate two-thirds of the cheese fondue...

and then two thirds of the meat fondue....and then two slices of cake.  :)  It was a great night.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

30 cupcakes for 30 years

He's so cute.  I just want to kiss his blue cheeks!

Hello!  Please eat us!

Ack!  Too...much...fondant cuteness

sources [1]  [4] (2 and 3 google)