Monday, May 16, 2011

Good-bye Tulip Time!

Tulip Time is finally over and everything is returning back to normal. 

Good-bye, kissers.*  (*These two small metal spirals are supposed to keep boys from kissing you!)

Good-bye, bands and shiny instruments.

Adios, men on horseback!

Moo-moo Moo-moo.  (Translated:  Good-bye, funny floats.  We'll see you next year.)

Saturday, May 14, 2011

So blue

Charlie stopped to sniff something on the ground during our morning walk:

What is this delicate blue object?

At first I thought it was a tiny dyed Easter egg.  But who would dare to dye such delicate eggs?  A quick internet search informed me that it was a robin's egg and that they're naturally this gorgeous shade of blue.  Hubby and I are now keeping our eyes open for a nearby nest.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Here comes the parade (Pt 2)

Here are some sights and sounds from the Parade.

The Dutch Dancers started training in January!

Little red wagon?  Nope.  It's a little red klompen!

Looking good and sounding good.

Best band uniforms

Who knew ice-cream men could dance?

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Here comes the parade (Pt 1)

Here are some photos from yesterday's Tulip Time parade.  

He just can't wait for the parade to start.

First, they cleaned the streets.

Creative cleaning

We heard lots of marching bands.

Look at their pom-poms!

I wonder what this car's gas mileage is?

Can you guess who sponsored this float?

(Movies to come tomorrow!)

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Frolicking in flowers

No winter lasts forever; no spring skips its turn. - Hal Borland