Saturday, June 4, 2011

Eat your....whites?

I've always been tempted to buy the white asparagus in the store.  This week they were on sale, so I brought a bunch home to try out.

Hello!  I taste like a milder version of my green brethren.  Also, I'm white because farmers deprived me of sunlight.

Roasted with olive oil, salt, and pepper, they were delicious! 

Friday, June 3, 2011

If a kiwi mated with a cucumber....

you'd get a fruit that tasted like a kiwano:

This strange orange and spiky fruit looks like a space pod...

No aliens inside.  Look at this lovely geometric interior.  How beautiful!

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Deck farmer

"This is called farming! You kids are gonna grow all kinds of plants! Vegetable plants, pizza plants."  ~ Captain from the movie WALL*E

Inspired by a friend's farm and the good weather, hubby and I visited the local supermarket and purchased some gardening supplies and plants.  Now we have two new additions to our deck:
Meet our new basil plants and tomato plant.

Hopefully my black thumb doesn't kill them and we'll be enjoying fresh mozarella and tomato salad with tomatoes and basil from our mini deck garden.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Farming fantasies

I had a wonderful time seeing my college friends this past weekend.  We laughed, cried, and ate a whole lot.

This weekend I also fell in love...
with my friend's mom's gentleman's farm.  (Gosh, that's a lot of apostrophes.)

*Sigh*  So cute

One of their roosters and his harem of chickens   (I ate their eggs for brunch.  Delicious!)

A bunch of thyme growing in their herb garden

Be still my beating heart- it's a compost pile...

Even though hubby and I live in an apartment now, hopefully one day we'll own a plot of land and I'll get to live out some of my farming fantasies.  For now I'll practice growing plants on the deck...

Monday, May 30, 2011

Behind every grilling man...

may stand a grill-savvy woman!

Note:  This is a veggie burger with faux grill lines. 

According to this article from the NY times, Memorial Day weekend is one of the busiest times of the year for the Weber Grill hotline.  Here's the interesting kicker:  most of the callers are men and most of the help desk operators are women.  These grill savvy gals answer questions ranging from "How do I cook a squirrel?" to "What is the importance of a damper system in a charcoal grill?"
Hope you have a safe and tasty Memorial Day!