Tuesday, June 14, 2011


Ben Wilson, a British artist, uses an unusual medium for his paintings:  used chewing gum squashed on sidewalks.  The process of transforming the flattened gum from litter to artwork usually takes between a couple of hours and a couple of days.       

I  love how his art transforms something ugly into something beautiful.

To see this photo and others (and to read the original NYTimes article), click here

Harvest time

Yesterday marked the first basil harvest. 

RIP basil leaves:  They've gone to that tasty pasta salad heaven in the sky

Monday, June 13, 2011

Strawberries + cheese + chocolate

Last night hubby and I ate a home cooked dinner with some new church friends.  I brought dessert and tried out a new recipe:  strawberry goat cheese brownies. 

They were delicious (and the strawberries made them "healthy.")

Saturday, June 11, 2011

50%? Not too shabby.

Awhile back I wrote about my love of the show  Extreme Couponing.  While I will never achieve the ranks of the great ones, I was inspired to try couponing.  A couple of days ago we visited our local supermarket and I had an "extreme moment."  We purchased 5 Lean Cuisine entrees (originally 3.19 each, now on sale for 2.00 each), used my coupon, (buy 4 Lean Cuisines and save $2.25) and then received a box of ice cream for FREE (store deal.)  (Oh yeah, we also bought some fish.  Yum.)

50% savings!  Too extreme.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Q: How does your garden grow?

A:  Slowly.

A couple of days ago, I introduced  you to Tom.  Now *drum roll please* I introduce you to Tom 2.

Tom 1 now has a tiny friend, Tom 2!

I read somewhere that tomatoes take weeks to ripen on the vine.  *sigh*   According to Saint Augustine, "Patience is the companion of wisdom."  So hopefully this patio gardening process will grow some tomatoes for me and some patience and wisdom in me.