Monday, June 20, 2011

Can you identify this plant?

Sometimes hubby and I bemoan the absence of Asians and Asian cuisine in our area.  However, as much as I miss seeing Asian faces and eating delicious foods (oh steaming bowl of ramen, tender bulgogi, juicy soup dumplings, NY style bubble milk tea, tender kong xin cai, salty nasi lemak, fresh sushi, and piping hot samosas-- how I miss you) we are fortunate to have befriended a few Asian gals.  

So we're not so alone.

One gal is originally from Cambodia and though we often misunderstand each other, we do share the common language of  food.  Most of our talk centers around food: what we enjoy eating, what we've made, and what we want to make some day.

 Recently she brought me this plant to grow in my deck garden:

The stems have to remain in water until roots grow.  Then, I'm supposed to pot them in soil.

Apparently the leaves are (1) tasty with pork, and (2) good for people with bad eyes (I wear glasses.)  Hubby and I are excited to try the leaves out, but there's one problem:  I'd like to know the name of this plant before I put it in my mouth.

So that's where you, dear readers, come into play.  What is this plant called?  I tried googling "Asian plant tastes good with pork leaves Cambodian" and didn't find anything besides kaffir lime leaves.

Here's an up close shot for all you super sleuths...

Bow tie onsies

This weekend I finished sewing bow ties on these onesies:

The ladies are going to find Baby irresistible!

Friday, June 17, 2011

Mini hubby

I may have found my next baby craft.
Isn't this a cute idea for a onesie?

Hmm, who else wears bow ties?.

image taken from here

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Elephant mobile

After several trips  to the craft store and the thrift store (and several hours of sewing), we finally completed our mobile:

Hmm, do the elephants resemble dumplings?

Now... onto the next baby craft...

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Mobiles on my mind

I'm making a mobile to hang above baby's crib, so  I turned to the internet for some diy inspiration:

These birds are so cute!

Oooh-  I could use embroidery hoops!

I'm drawn to these cheery colorful elephants... hmm...

Ooh- stylized elephants!

Not sure if I'll use this design, but this Calder mobile is AWESOME nonetheless. 

Armed with inspiration, I'm off to the thrift store and craft store to scout out materials!

image sources:  [1], [2], [3], [4], [5]