Monday, June 27, 2011

Visitors and Chuck Norris

Some family members drove zillions of miles to visit us this past weekend.  It was so nice seeing everyone and feeling so loved.  Hubby and I were also inundated with TONS of baby clothes and gear from other faraway family members and friends.  Thank you, thank you, thank you!  We're now officially ready for Baby Chuck Norris's* arrival.  

(*This will be baby's nickname until he arrives.)

Below are some shots from the weekend 
(along with some humorous Chuck Norris facts):
When Chuck Norris crosses the street, the cars have to look both ways.

Chuck Norris doesn't need to swallow while eating food.

Some people get lucky and kill two birds with one stone. Chuck Norris once killed four birds with half a stone.

Mother Nature used to be the boss, until the day Chuck Norris was born.

Friday, June 24, 2011

Should strollers...

wear costumes?

I'm inspired. Halloween is just around the corner...

(Thanks for the link, Esther!)  To see this photo and other rocking strollers, click here.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Her new home

One of our friends recently purchased a new home.  Wanting to give her a small housewarming gift, I made her some fridge magnets.  Oh the joys of Mod Podge and magazine images.

Don't let their cute exteriors fool you-- these magnets are super strong!

Doesn't everything look better with a bow around it?

Hmm, I just realized that I've made more crafts and baked more sweets in these past two weeks than I did all last year.  Is this due to some strange nesting instinct?  Let me ponder this as I clean and rearrange some furniture...

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Eating into the new year

We celebrated hubby's birthday with a lot of yummy food.  
Here are some photos documenting our good eats:

Hubby's homemade bbq pulled pork with a basil and garlic potato salad - yum!

I used this recipe to bake hubby a birthday cake.

Chocolate icing + chocolate cake + raspberry filling = decadent eats

For dinner, we visited a nearby Ethiopian restaurant and scarfed down a plate of sour and spicy food (and then ordered two more side dishes- oh my!)

What a delicious way to celebrate hubby's birthday.