Thursday, July 21, 2011

Windmill Island

Yesterday hubby, friend, and I ventured out into the 90 degree heat to visit Windmill Island.

We wanted to trek to the windmill, but a wall of heat held us back.

So we took a couple photos and cooled off at nearby Barnes and Nobles.

Today we're going to just stay inside and enjoy the ac.  Stay cool everyone!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Early morning tai-chi and muffins

Sometimes baby Chuck Norris likes to do early morning tai-chi.  Today I woke up to his shuffling hands and feet and couldn't fall back sleep.  Since I was already up, I decided to bake some strawberry and banana muffins.  

Does anyone know how to get a muffin top?

They ended up being tasty and moist, but the strawberries took on a strange fleshy texture (yuck).  Next time I'll try using blueberries instead.  

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Guess who?

Today we picked up a friend from the airport.  She'll be staying with us for a week.  I'm very excited!  Can you guess who she is?

Hint:  These toes have known each other since  the 1st grade!

Monday, July 18, 2011

RIP Tom 1

Sadly, when Tom's red exterior,
Spoke of his flav'ry interior,
My hand had to act,
The fruit I did snatch,
And I savored his taste so superior.  

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Orange you glad? I am!

Whoa!  I think Tom 1 is going through tomato puberty.  He's looking more and more like a mature tomato!  (Here's a photo of Tom 1 and a tomato that I purchased from the grocery store.)

*Sigh*  He's growing up too fast.