Tuesday, August 2, 2011


Hubby and I enjoy seeing the creative ways people customize their license plates.  Here are some plates that we recently spotted around town: 

If Hubby had his way, our license would read "DOGLUVR"

Funny Parenting advice

This weekend hubby's colleagues threw us a lovely baby shower.  We had a wonderful time and received lots of goodies and advice.  Here are some of their hilarious words of wisdom:

(1)  Don't let your children become teenagers.
(2)  Don't let your children grow up to be cowboys.
(3)  If they want to run away, help them pack.
(4)  If you have lots of children, make sure to count them when you leave the store.
(5)  Everything costs more than you think it will.

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Diving into a bowl of cherries

I love eating cherries, but I normally don't get them because they're quite pricey.  Imagine my delight when today's paper showed cherries on sale!


Saturday, July 30, 2011


Look at Crafty Chica's diy floor.  Isn't it amazing?
It's time for a dance party!

Maybe one day I too could have a girly, glittery room.

Friday, July 29, 2011

Circus Smirkus

Here's a confession:  I dislike clowns.

I find them quite scary.  They like playing tricks on you.  They wear garish clothing.  They have oddly proportioned bodies.  Plus, they wear tons of greasepaint, so I can never tell what they actually look like.

Yet, even this self proclaimed "clown-aphobe"* couldn't help but feel inspired by Sam Ferlo's story.  He's a 14 year old clown-in-training who wants to follow in his dad's very large footsteps. (See this NY Times article for info and photo.) 

Perhaps they're not scary after all?

If you're in the New England area, you can see Sam and other talented kids performing here.
* The official term describing a fear of clowns is coulrophobia