Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Diaper bag

Hubby recently finished his latest sewing creation for Baby Chuck Norris.  Here's Charlie examining Hubby's creation for the first time. 

What is this thing?

A bag?  But it's too big for me to carry.

Ah, it's a perfect size for resting on.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Savage Beauty

Sometimes I find myself wishing I was back in New York.  Don't get me wrong, I'm growing to love our new home, but sometimes I miss ethnic food, people watching (one of my favorite hobbies), subway rides, and artistic and cultural opportunities.

Yesterday was the last day of the Alexander McQueen exhibit at the Met.   Hubby and I never made it back to see the exhibit, so I was thrilled that the Met posted photos of selected objects online.  Now even though I'm far away, I can still experience some of that McQueen magic.

“I try to push the silhouette. To change the silhouette is to change the thinking of how we look." ~ Alexander McQueen

He was an amazing artist.   

Saturday, August 6, 2011

3223 Wedding bells

Today a college friend is getting married in Chicago.  I wish I could be there, but I can't attend because it's too far away from our doctor.  So I'm sending them all my good thoughts and wishes.

Isn't this quote lovely?

This beautiful photo and card were seen here

Friday, August 5, 2011

Top 50 delicious foods

CNN compiled a list of what they consider to be the World's 50 most delicious foods.  Go check it out and see if you agree with the winners and rankings.  (Warning:  Looking at the list will make you VERY hungry.)

Number 14 on the the list

first read about here
doughnut photo taken from here

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Street performers

Every Thursday night local musicians, artists, and dancers perform downtown.  Today hubby and I took Charlie to enjoy the local sights and sounds.

I'm so proud of my two boys.  Hubby did a great job handling Charlie and Charlie was so well behaved.  It's a Holland miracle!