Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Salsa showdown

I love salsa, especially the not-too-spicy-fruity kind.  When we found out that our town was holding a Salsa competition and Jalapeno eating contest, we hopped into the car and drove right on over faster than you could say "cilantro."  Sadly, the crowd around the Jalapeno eating contest was so large, we couldn't see the contestants.  But, we were able to sample the spicy and mild salsas offered by the competitors.

Some of the salsas were so spicy, I joked that I would give birth later that night.
(I didn't.)  

Monday, August 22, 2011

From patio to plate

It's harvest time!  Hubby and I plucked more tomatoes and basil from our deck farm and finally got to enjoy the fruits of our farming labor.

Cheese + tomatoes + basil = heaven *drool*

Thursday, August 18, 2011

The usual suspects

Last month marked our one year anniversary living in our new town.  Hubby and I really like living here, but sometimes we wonder whether we'll ever find our niche and develop deep roots.  Whenever I find myself on this train of thought, I try to remind myself that relationships take time and effort to build.

Fortunately, I was reminded during a recent visit to our favorite Vietnamese restaurant that we are making some connections.  Here's what transpired:

((Hubby and I walk in the restaurant.  Waitresses 1 and 2 look up.))

Waitress 1
Do you need to see a menu or do you know what you want?

((Surprised)) We'd like to see a menu, please.

Waitress 1
((Hands us menus, walks away, and then returns))
What do you want to drink?


I'll have a water too.  I think we also know what we want to get.  I'll have VR1 (porkchop with broken rice).

I'd like VPH1 (pho noodle soup).

Waitress 2  
((Walks by with a smile on her face))
You always get the same thing.  The baby must like soup, huh?

I loved that they recognized us and baby.  It just made my day.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Reserved parking

Yesterday hubby and I visited the mall to do some window shopping, work at a cafe, and exercise. (Walking around the mall is great exercise for preggos.  ;D)  When we arrived, we were fortunate to find this perfect parking spot.

Our spot

Yup, that's me!  I have the belly and the

car seat (unused, with tags still attached) to prove it!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

A guitar, a harmonica, a saw, and...a recorder?

This past Sunday hubby played the recorder during worship at our local church.  After hearing hubby play, one congregant commented, "It sounds like we're having church in Gondor."  Another church member (an older gentleman in his 70s) had this conversation with hubby:

What instrument are you playing?  A sweet potato?

Uh, sweet potato?  You mean an ocarina?  No, this is a recorder.

I like the way it sounds.  Do you want to be in my band?  We go around and play for people in nursing homes. They don't have good memories.  Right now we have a guy that plays the harmonica, a guy that plays the saw, and I play the guitar.  

Um, sure.

Perhaps Baby Chuck Norris and I will be the group's first set of groupies (below retirement age)?