Thursday, August 25, 2011

Question about baby

According to the doctor, Baby Chuck Norris is in the right position for birth:  head down and facing my tailbone.  While that sounds wonderful and good, I'm also a bit confused. 

Why doesn't Baby Norris get dizzy lying upside down for so long?

Frozen summer

During a weekly thrift store run I spotted a cute set of Popsicle molds and snatched them up.  I'm going to try to make tons of Popsicles before summer whizzes by.  Here's a photo of my first attempt:

(1)  I chopped and pureed watermelon,
(2) placed the molds into the freezer,
(3) struggled to pull the pops out,
and then (4) finally enjoyed the frozen treats

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

My funny sister

Here's a snippet from a funny email that I received from my sister last Saturday: 
I hope you don't give birth until at least Tuesday! I won't have my phone charger until then!!! ): So you can't call me and tell me what a gruesome experience--I mean WONDERFUL WONDERFUL (: experience it was to give birth!!

She's so funny.  Here's my response:

HAHAHAHA!  I'll be sure to keep Baby Norris in until then.

Capturing summer in an instrument

Summer is swiftly rolling by, as evidenced by the shorter days, cooler nights, and the abundance of "back-to-school" sales.  Hubby and I are trying to savor these last weeks of good weather and freedom by stuffing ourselves with Michigan fruit and ice-pops.  Lately, I've also been listening to people play the ukulele.  Whenever I hear that happy strumming, I think of smiling people and summer island living.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Tee hee hee

I love scrolling through the New York Times Readers' street style photos.  Look at these funny sunglasses:

Now you can feel like a celebrity (or a criminal) too!