Monday, September 12, 2011


It's been a tough couple of days...
but moments like this make it all worthwhile.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

If my history teacher could see this

What do you get when you mix history, fashion, and dance?  Probably something that looks like this...

Friday, September 9, 2011

So we finally meet...

Hello everyone!  I've re-emerged.  Things are pretty hectic around here.  Hubby, Charlie, and I are slowly getting to know Baby and he's slowly getting to know us.

Even though Baby has a real name, I'll keep referring to him as Baby Norris* in this blog.  In honor of his first week out of the womb, here's a visual retelling of our first encounter:

"So, you're the one who kept me captive for 39 weeks..."

"Now that I'm finally out, I can show you how I feel..."

((Kapow!)) "Take that, female captor!"

*Somehow this pseudonym seems so appropriate...

Friday, September 2, 2011

It's time

Hi everyone,

Just fyi- I'm unable to upload posts for a bit because hubby and I are off to the hospital.  Our long-awaited guest has finally decided to arrive.

Pink Stripey Socks (a soon-to-be-mommy)


I don't like prunes.  I've never liked prunes.  However, if you visit our apartment, you'll seen many homages to this sweet and sticky fruit.  Why on earth would I eat something I don't like?  Well, they're great for digestive health and nowadays, I'll eat anything to get me "going."   

Here are the different ways I've incorporated this yucky special fruit into my diet:
  • Initially I tried eating prunes straight from the jar.  (Bad Idea.  They're  so yucky  sickly sweet a tad too full flavored.)
  • Then, after gagging struggling with that option, I tried drinking prune juice. (Unfortunately, prune juice was still too nasty full bodied.)
  • Then, I tried diluting prune juice with iced tea. (Prune tea was certainly more palatable, but I needed more prune power.)
  • Recently, I've tried incorporating them into my cooking. 
 I made prune bars (using the basics ingredients in this recipe):
You can't see those sticky suckers, but I guarantee they're in there!

Hmm, what prune dish to make next?  Prunes and chicken?  Prunes and pork?  I'm hoping that Baby Chuck Norris comes soon, so that I don't have to get too creative....