Monday, October 10, 2011

Whipping it out...

This week Hubby and I put on our brave-pants and took Baby Norris out to.... the mall!  This particular adventure took longer than our typical in-town trips, so we packed an extra big diaper bag and ventured out.  While out, we had to complete two large tasks:  diapering and feeding. 

Our first challenge:  Diapering a crying baby in public
Phew! All baby waste was contained, managed, and removed.

Our second challenge:  Feeding a baby sans bottle
Luckily, there was a special room to help us out with task.

Inside we had privacy and a comfy chair.  I really couldn't have asked for more. 

Overall, the trip was a success. 
Who knew that a simple trip to the mall could make me so happy and proud?  

Who is the man behind Elmo?

We can't wait for this documentary to come out.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Get psyched...

it's finally Friday!  I thought the weekend would never come.  We're definitely going to enjoy the outdoors before winter sneaks up on us again...

Excitement is clearly written all over Baby Norris's face.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011


I love Jane Austen's novels.

I love them so much that I almost convinced hubby to name our child Fitzwilliam (after my beloved Mr. Darcy.)   So, imagine my delight when I saw this Pride and Prejudice board book shown on this lovely blog.  (Photos taken from blog)

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Men's shirtdress

While reading one of my favorite blogs, I happened to see this amazing video:

Ex-men's shirt as new dress for you from general ink on Vimeo.

I tried it out with hubby's shirt, but it didn't quite work.  I would have posted a picture, but the shirt stretched in weird ways over my post-pregnant belly.  Plus, no one wants to see a large bum exposed to the cool autumn air.