Thursday, November 3, 2011

Meet my meat pie

Hubby introduced me to the meat pie, a delicious Australian goody, a couple of years back and my stomach  fell in love. Who wouldn't love this hearty meal of savory meat encased in a flaky crust, doused with ketchup, and served with buttery mashed potatoes and creamy sweet peas on the side?

Last night I attempted to recreate this Aussie treat and the combination of flavors brought hubby back home.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Day of the dead

This weekend our town held a Dia de los Muertos celebration as a way to remember deceased friends and family.  With the brightly colored paper decorations, twinkling lights, and dozens of costumed attendees (many with faces painted like skulls), the entire experience felt quite otherworldly.

It was a deliciously creepy and beautiful way to celebrate Halloween weekend.  

It doesn't feel like we're in Holland anymore!

Aren't these Fridas beautiful?

Monday, October 31, 2011

Spooky celebrations

Today we're celebrating two events:
(1)  It's finally Halloween, my favorite holiday of the year. 
(2)  It's the one year anniversary of my blog.  *Throws imaginary confetti in the air and blows noisemaker*

As we all know, Charlie just loves wearing costumes.  (As seen here and here.)  With the new addition to our family, Charlie was gracious enough to whip up two matching costumes, inspired by Dr. Seuss characters.   Although Baby Norris is still too young to fully appreciate this holiday, I do think he enjoyed dressing up. 

DIY baby thing 1 Halloween costume
Baby Norris- "So this is what it feels like to have hair.  I kind of like it."

DIY dog Halloween Costume Thing 1
Charlie- "Aw mom, I'm having a bad hair day."

Happy Halloween!

Sunday, October 30, 2011

A mum's prayer

Lately I've been finding myself praying for more
more patience,
more peace,
more wisdom,
more hope,
more understanding
more strength,
more bravery,
and more love.

Because having a child is more wonderful
and more difficult than I could have ever imagined.

Friday, October 28, 2011

Faster than a fleeting smile

"Every time you smile at someone, it is an action of love, a gift to that person, a beautiful thing."  ~  Mother Teresa 
We finally captured that sweet smile.  Hope you have a wonderful weekend! 

(To see our previous smile-capturing attempts, click here and here.)