Sunday, November 27, 2011

Tummy Times Comic-2

Here's my Thanksgiving comic strip: 
(Just click on the image to enlarge it.)


To see my first comic strip, click here

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Pre-Thanksgiving day jitters

Hubby and I couldn't travel back home this Thanksgiving*, so we're holding a small get-together here.  (Luckily, one of hubby's aunts lives nearby and is able to celebrate with us.)  It's my first year cooking a full Thanksgiving meal, so I'm definitely feeling nervous.  To lessen my load tomorrow I started preparing some items tonight.

 I successfully defrosted the turkey.  *Phew*

But my attempt at dessert didn't turn out quite so well.  
What went wrong?  Why does my cheesecake look CRAZY?

Hope you all have a wonderful time celebrating Thanksgiving with friends and family. 

*We miss everyone back home very very much.  Whenever you eat your turkey leg and sliver of dessert, please think of us. :)

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Yummy sleeping arrangements

Do you love food?
Are you entertaining out-of-town guests?
Do your out-of-town guests love food?
(If you answered "yes" to all three questions, read on, dear reader, read on!)

With Thanksgiving just a couple of days away, I'll bet many of us are scrambling to figure out sleeping accommodations for out-of-town guests.  Hubby and I are firm believers in the Aerobed, but if you're not interested in taking the traditional route (i.e., spare bedroom, blowup mattress, or small closet), take a moment to consider this option:  The Slice of Pizza Sleeping bag.

*Drool* *Snore*  Doesn't this look delicious and comfortable?

While sleeping in this baby your guests are guaranteed to have sweet savory dreams.

Click here to see these photos or purchase this gustatory masterpiece or others (like the Baked Potato Bean Bag Chair)
First spotted on Foodiggity


Monday, November 21, 2011

Letter to hubby

Hubby went out of town and will be back tomorrow.  Baby Chuck missed him so much that he wrote him a letter:

Dear Daddy,

I miss you.  Do you like my new Harry Potter scar?  Mommy, Charlie, and I had a good day today.  I kicked Charlie, took lots of naps with mom, and made lots of dirty diapers.  I can't wait till you come home.

Love, Baby Chuck